Monday, April 22, 2013

B.Sc. IT BT0080 (Semester 4, Fundamentals of Algorithms) Assignment

Spring 2013
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT) – Semester 4
BT0080 – Fundamentals of Algorithms – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1092)
Assignment Set (60 Marks)

1.      Write the different characteristics of an algorithm.
Ans.-         There are three important characteristics of an algorithm.
A.    Finiteness:- An algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps and further each step must be executable in finite amount of time. In order to establish a sequence of steps as an algorithm, it should be established that it terminates on all allowed inputs.
B.     Definiteness:- Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined, the action to be carried out must be rigorously and unambiguously specified for each case. However, the method is not definite, as two different executions may yield different outputs.
C.     Effectiveness:- An algorithm should be effective. This means that each of the operations to be performed in an algorithm must be sufficiently basic that it can, in principle, be done exactly and in a finite length of time, by a person using pencil and paper. It may be noted that the ‘FINITENESS’ condition is a special case of ‘EFFECTIVENESS’. If a sequence of steps is not finite, then it can’t be effective also. A method may be designed which is a definite sequence of actions but is not finite.

2.      Explain in the asymptotic notations.
Ans.-         We often want to know a quantity only approximately and not necessarily exactly, just to compare with another quantity. And, in many situations, correct comparison may be possible even with approximate values of the quantities. The advantage of the possibility of correct comparisons through even approximate value may be much less than the time required to find exact values. We will introduce five approximation functions and their notations.
                  The purpose of these asymptotic growth rate functions to be introduced, is to facilitate the recognition of essential character of a complexity function through some simpler functions delivered by these notations. For example a complexity function f(n) = 5004n2+83n2+19n+408, has essentially same behavior as that of g(n)=n3 as the problem size n becomes larger and larger. But g(n)=n3 is much more understandable and its value easier to compute than the function f(n).

A.    O-notation:- for function g(n), we define O(g(n)), big-O of n, as the set:

Intuitively: Set of all functions whose rate of growth is the same as or lower than that of g(n).
g(n) is an asymptotic upper bound for f(n).

B.     Ω-notation:-  for function g(n), we define Ω(g(n)), big omega of n, as the set:

Intuitively: set of all functions whose rate of growth is the same as or higher than that of g(n).
g(n) is an asymptotic lower bound for f(n).

C.    Ө-notation:- for function g(n), we define Ө(g(n)), big-theta of n, as the set:

Intutively: set of all functions that have the same rate of growth as g(n).
g(n) is an asymptotically tight bound for f(n).

3.      Write an algorithm of insertion sort and explain with an example.
Ans.- It is a sorting algorithm that used for sort or arrange the final sorted array in any particular sequential order like ascending or descending.
      Lets  look the picture of insertion sort algorithm as follows:
Lines                                                         Time                                        Cost
For jß2 to length[Array]                          n                                              C1
Do key ßArray[j]                                     n-1                                           C2
/**Comments*/                                         0                                              ---
ißj-1                                                         n-1                                           C3
while i>0 and Array[i]>key                      nΣj=2 tj                                   C4
do Array[i+1]ßArray[i]                           nΣj=2 (tj-1)                              C5
ißi-1                                                         nΣj=2 (tj-1)                              C6
Array[i+1] ß Key                                                n-1                                           C7
1.      You all will notice in this algorithm 1st line is taking running time n and costing C1.
2.      Line number 2nd, 3rd, and 7th is taking running time n-1 and costing C2, C3, C7 respectively.
3.      Line number 4th is taking running time nΣj=2 tj-1. We have taken summation to make our calculation more easier.
4.      There is no sense of the /**Comments*/ it is ignored by the compiler so don’t be confuse.
Now why we have taken nΣj=2 tj and nΣj=2 tj-1 respectively as follows:
            Lets take simple example of while loop:
while{                         :t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+……….+tn
            statement;        :t2-1+t3-1+t4-1+t5-1+t6-1+………+tn-1
Now here you will notice the particular timing of the while and the statement so therefore you can write nΣj=2 tj i.e. j=2,3,4,5,……,n and tj=t2,t3,t4,t5,…….tn similarly for nΣj=2 (tj-1).
We will go through how above algorithm works using an simple example as follows”
            => [8][3][1][6][2][4]                <-------------- this is our given unsorted array.
                   ↑  ↑
                   i   j                        now here key is set to [3] because j is at position Array[2]
            => [3][8][1][6][2][4]               
↑  ↑
                        i   j                   now here key is ser to [1] because j is at position Array[3]
            => [3][1][8][6][2][4]    Algo will check till the beginning of array.
            => [1][3][8][6][2][4]
                        ↑  ↑
                        i   j                   now here key is set to [6] because j is at position Array[4]
            => [1][3][6][8][2][4]
                                ↑  ↑
                                i   j           now here key is set to [2] because j is at position Array[5]
            => [1][3][6][2][8][4]
            => [1][3][2][6][8][4]
            => [1][2][3][6][8][4]
                                     ↑   ↑
                                      i   j     now here key is set to [4] because j is at position array[6]
            => [1][2][3][6][4][8]
=> [1][2][3][4][6][8]    <---------- this is our shorted array
1.      In the above procedure you will see j is set to position 2 and i is set to j-1 that is position 1.
2.      Position where j is set is the key element in Array which is used to compare with other element in the array according to algorithm.
3.      As you will notice here j is set to position 2 and i is set to position 1, element of Array[1]>Array[2] i.e. [8]>[3] validating condition “while i>0 and Array[i]>Key”
4.      Putting value of Array[i] into Array[i+1] i.e. putting element of Array[1] into Array[2] i.e. [8] into place of [3] according to algo line “Array[i+1] <----Array[i]” and then i=i-1 till beginning of array to get higher element in array if present. And key is put into position of Array[1] because here key is Array[2]. Last process done according to “Array[i+1]<----Key”.
5.      These all above four repeated till the given is not sorted. One more thing kept in your mind that when Array[i]>Key is true then while loop is executed in algorithm. We can’t say that how much time while loop will take to execute i.e. we have to assume that for j time taken is t2,t3,……..,tn.

4.      Write short notes on (i) Path Matrix and (ii) Circuit Matrix
Ans.- (i) Path Matrix:- This matrix is used in communications and transport networks. This is also a (0,1) matrix, which is defined for a specific pair of vertices in a graph, (x,y) and its denoted by P(x,y). the rows in P(x,y) correspond to defferent paths between vertices x and y and the columns correspond to the edges in G.
      Definition:- P(x,y)=(Pij)p,q where p=number of paths between x and y and
      Q= total number of edges.
                  1, if jth edge lies in ith path, and
                  0, otherwise
                   I.            A column of all 0’s corresponds to an edge that does not lie in any path between x and y.
                II.            A column of all 1’s corresponds to an edge that lies in every path between x and y.
             III.            There is no row with all 0’s
Theorem:- if the edges of a connected grapgh are arranged in the same order for the columns of the incidence matrix / and the path matrix P(x,y), then the product (mod 2)
/.PT(x,y) = M
Where, the matrix M has 1’s is two rows x and y, and the rest of the n-2 rows are all 0’s.

(ii) Circuit Matrix:- Let the mumber of edges in G be e and the number of circuits in g be q. Then, a circuit matrix:
B = bij qxe, (0,1)-matrix defined as follows;
Bij = 1 if the ith circuit includes the jth edge;
      = 0 oterwise.
The circuit B of G may be denoted by B(G).
Example:- consider the graph given in figure

For this graph, n = number of vertices = 6
                        e = number of edges = 8
here, the graph has 4 different circuits;
{a,b}, {c,d,f,e}, {d,f,g} and {c,e,g}
Therefore, the circuit matrix B(G) is a 4x8, (0,1)-matrix as given below
                       a     b          c          d          e          f           g          h
                  1   1     1          0          0          0          0          0          0
B(G) =       2   0     0          1          0          1          0          1          0
                  3   0     0          0          1          0          1          1          0
                  4   0     0          1          1          1          1          0          0   4x8
                    i.            If a column of B(G) contains all zeros, then the related edge doesn’t belong to any circuit. An edge that doesn’t lie in any circuit is said to be a non-circuit edge.
                  ii.            Each row of B(G) corresponds to a circuit. So each row may be called as a circuit vector.
                iii.            If a row contains only one “1”, then the related edge is a self-loop.
                iv.            The number of 1’s in the ith-row is equal to the number of the edges is the ith circuit.
                  v.            If a graph G is separable (or disconnected) and consists of two blocks (or components) g1 and g2 then the circuit matrix B(G) can be written in a clock-

diagonal form as B(G) =  where, B(g1) and B(g2) are the circuit

matrices of g1 and g2 respectively.

5.      Explain Greedy method strategy and also write algorithm for it.
Ans.-         It is used to solve problems that have ‘n’ inputs and require us to obtain a subset that satisfies some constraints. Any subset that satisfied the constraints is called as a feasible solution that optimizes the given objective functions.
                  The greedy method suggests that one can divide the algorithm that works in stages. Considering one input at a time. At each stage a decision is made regarding weather or particular input is in the optimum solution. For this purpose all the inputs must be arranged in a particular order by using a selection process. If the inclusion of next input in to the partially constructed solution will result in an infeasible solution then the input will not be considered and will not be added to partially constructed set otherwise it is added.
Algorithm for Greedy method strategy

1.      Algorithm Greedy (a,n)
2.      //a[1:n] contains the n inputs
3.      {
4.      Solution: = Φ;//initialize the solution
5.      for i:=1 to n do
6.      {
7.      x:=select (a);
8.      if feasible (solution, x) then
9.      solution:=Union(solution,x);
10.  }
11.  Return solution
12.  }

6.      Explain O/I Knapsack Problem with algorithm.
Ans.-         To use the branch-and-bound technique to solve any problem, it is first necessary to conceive of a state space tree for the problem.
                  The objective function Σpixi is replaced by the function –Σpixi. Clearly, Σpixi is maximized iff - Σpixi is minimized. This modified knapsack problem is stated as given below


Subject to

xi = 0 or 1, 1≤i≤n
We continue the discussion assuming a fixed tuple size formulation for the solution space. The discussion is easily extended to the variable tuple size formulation. Every leaf node in the state space tree represents an assignment for which  is an answer node. All other leaf nodes are infeasible. For a minimum-cost answer node to correspond to any optional solution, we need to define  for every answer node x. The cost       c(x) = ∞ for infeasible leaf nodes. For non-leaf nodes, c(x) is recursively defined to be min{c(lchild)x)), c(rchild(x))}

Algorithm for O/I Knapsack Problem

1.      Algorithm U Bound(cp, cq, k, m)
2.      // cp is the current profit total, cw is the current
3.      // weight total; k is the index of the last removed
4.      // item; and m is the knapsack size
5.      // w[i] and p[i] are respectively the weight and profit
6.      // of the ith object
7.      {
8.      B:=cp; c:=cw;
9.      for l:=k+1 to n do
10.  {
11.        if (c+w[i]≤m) then
12.          {
13.             c:c+w[i]; b:=b-[i];
14.                }
15.  }
16.  return b;
17.  }

For More Assignments Click Here

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